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<b>about deloitte's china practice</b><br><br>deloitte's china practice provides services through a number of legal entities and those entities are members of deloitte touche tohmatsu (swiss verein). <br><br>we are one of the leading professional services providers in the chinese mainland, hong kong sar and macau sar. we have 7,000 people in ten offices including beijing, dalian, guangzhou, hong kong, macau, nanjing, shanghai, shenzhen, suzhou and tianjin. <br><br>as early as 1917, we opened an office in shanghai. backed by our global network, we deliver a full range of audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services to national, multinational and growth enterprise clients in china.<br><br>we have considerable experience in china and have been a significant contributor to the development of china's accounting standards, taxation system and local professional accountants. we also provide services to around one-third of all companies listed on the stock exchange of hong kong. <br><br>for more information, please visit our website at www.deloitte.com/cn.<br><br><b>德勤中国</b><br><br>德勤中国通过其众多的法律实体为客户提供专业服务,此等法律实体均是 deloitte touche tohmatsu 德勤全球(瑞士会员性社团组织)的成员。<br>德勤是中国大陆及港澳地区居领导地位的专业服务机构之一,共拥有7,000名员工,分布在北京、大连、广州、香港、澳门、南京、上海、深圳、苏州和天津。<br><br>早在1917年,德勤于上海成立了办事处。我们以全球网络为支持,为国内企业、跨国公司以及高成长的企业提供全面的审计、税务、企业管理咨询和财务咨询服务。<br><br>德勤中国拥有丰富的经验,并一直为中国会计准则、税制以及本土专业会计师的发展作出重大的贡献。在香港,德勤更为大约三分之一在香港联合交易所上市的公司提供服务。 若需获得有关我们的更多资料,请浏览我们的网站 www.deloitte.com/cn.